PACSOA - reviews

Book Author
Cultivated Palms of the the World Don and Anthony Ellison
Cycad Cultivation And Landscaping, Handbook Of Tang
Cycads Of Thailand Tang et al.
Cycads Of The World David Jones
Cycads of Australia Ken Hill and Roy Osborne
Cycads of Central Africa Peter Heibloem
Cycads - With Special Reference To The Southern African Species Professor Nat Grobbelaar
Field Guide to the Palms of the Americas Henderson et al.
Palms 0f Subequatorial Queensland Robert Tucker
Palms Throughout the World David Jones
Palms and Cycads Beyond the Tropics Keith Boyer
Palms of the South-West Pacific John L. Dowe
The Biology of the Cycads Norstog and Nicholls
The Island of the Colour Blind Oliver Sachs
The Palms and Cycads of Thailand Hodel (editor)
The Palms of New Caledonia Hodel and Pintaud
Three books on Rattans (various)

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