PACSOA - Palms

"We will begin with palms, the loftiest and noblest of all vegetable forms, that to which the prize of beauty has been assigned by the concurrent voice of nations in all ages; for the earliest civilization of mankind belonged to the countries bordering on the region of palms and to parts of Asia where they abound."

Alexander von Humboldt, Physiognomy of Plants, 1849.


Articles Common Names

Acanthophoenix Acoelorrhaphe Acrocomia
Actinokentia Actinorhytis Adonidia
Aiphanes Allagoptera Alloschmidia
Alsmithia Ammandra Aphandra
Archontophoenix Areca Arenga
Asterogyne Astrocaryum Attalea
Bactris Balaka Barcella
Basselinia Beccariophoenix Bentinckia
Bismarckia Borassodendron Borassus
Brahea Brassiophoenix Brongniartikentia

Burretiokentia Butia Butyagrus
Calamus Calospatha Calyptrocalyx
Calyptrogyne Calyptronoma Campecarpus
Carpentaria Carpoxylon Caryota
Catoblastus Ceratolobus Ceroxylon
Chamaedorea Chamaerops Chambeyronia
Chelyocarpus Chrysalidocarpus Chuniophoenix
Clinosperma Clinostigma Coccothrinax
Cocos Collinia Colpothrinax
Copernicia Corypha Cryosophila

Cyphokentia Cyphophoenix Cyphosperma
Cyrtostachys Daemonorops Deckenia
Desmoncus Dictyocaryum Dictyosperma
Drymophloeus Dypsis Elaeis
Eleiodoxa Eremospatha Eugeissona
Euterpe FoxyLady Gastrococos
Gaussia Geonoma Gronophyllum
Guihaia Gulubia Halmoorea
Hedyscepe Hemithrinax Heterospathe
Howea Hydriastele Hyophorbe

Hyospathe Hyphaene Iguanura
Iriartea Iriartella Itaya
Johannesteijsmannia Juania Jubaea
JubaeaXButia Jubaeopsis Kentiopsis
Kerriodoxa Korthalsia Laccospadix
Laccosperma Latania Lavoixia
Lemurophoenix Leopoldinia Lepidocaryum
Lepidorrhachis Licuala Linospadix
Livistona Lodoicea Loxococcus
Lytocaryum Mackeea Manicaria

Marojejya Masoala Mauritia
Mauritiella Maxburretia Medemia
Metroxylon Moratia Myrialepis
Nannorrhops Neanthe Nenga
Neodypsis Neonicholsonia Neophloga
Neoveitchia Nephrosperma Normanbya
Nypa Oenocarpus Oncocalamus
Oncosperma Orania Oraniopsis
Orbignya Parajubaea Paschalococos
Pelagodoxa Phoenicophorium Phoenix

Pholidocarpus Pholidostachys Physokentia
Phytelephas Pigafetta Pinanga
Plectocomia Plectocomiopsis Podococcus
Pogonotium Polyandrococos Ponapea
Prestoea Pritchardia Pritchardiopsis
Pseudophoenix Ptychococcus Ptychoraphis
Ptychosperma Raphia Ravenea
Reinhardtia Retispatha Rhapidophyllum
Rhapis Rhopaloblaste Rhopalostylis
Roscheria Roystonea Sabal

Salacca Satakentia Satranala
Scheelea Schippia Sclerosperma
Seaforthia Serenoa Siphokentia
Socratea Solfia Sommieria
Syagrus Synechanthus Tahina
Tectiphiala Thrinax Trachycarpus
Trithrinax Veillonia Veitchia
Verschaffeltia Voanioala Vonitra
Wallichia Washingtonia Welfia
Wendlandiella Wettinia Wodyetia


Note: If you have any photos of palms, especially in their natural habitat, or any cultural tips for specific plants, please contact the webmaster about getting them onto these pages. We'd love to hear from you.

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